Saturday 12 October 2024

Lost Species Day, Buxton

Lost Species Day

November 30th 2024

Free event in Buxton

We have lost many species of animals and plants over the last few hundred years. Some by human action, some in the more natural way of things, but we know that now our human activity is accelerating the loss

Monte Verde Golden Toad, Moroccan Bustard, Great Auk, Du Toit’s Torrent Frog, Galapagos Amaranth 

There is a lot we can do now as individuals, as communities and as a species ourselves, to slow those declines but this day and its events offer an opportunity to pause and reflect

Join us for a Lost Species Day event at the Green Man Gallery, Hardwick Studios, Hardwick Square South, Buxton, SK17 6PY

Times: 11:00 - 15:00

Follow on fb:

Steller’s Sea Cow, Levuana Moth, St Helena Heliotrope, Giant Fiji Ground Frog, Stubble Quail

Step out of busy lives and Saturday busy-ness and take to time to stop. Think about the plants and animals we have lost. Find your own resolution to act: on a domestic scale, a local scale or on engaging with something bigger. All sorts of action helps from planting bumblebee friendly window boxes to active membership of conservation, environmental or social justice organisations. Just talking about it all helps: keep the thought active, keep the conversation alive, pursue your local councillor down the street or wave a lost frog flag at your MP

Caribbean Monk Seal, Little Swan Island Hutia, Kalimantan Mango, Montane Hutia, Puerto Rica Hutia

But mostly, this day is a chance to take time to pause and reflect on why these animals and plants matter to you and which of the current ones you’ll champion.

In UK, Scottish and Welsh devolved governments have set up species champions where MSP and MS individuals take on campaigning on behalf of their chosen species…maybe you could be your own Species Champion

We’ll be inviting participants at our event to add the names of the species that feel most strongly connected to to our “determination list” and offering participants the chance to make their own memorial to those who have gone - or to create their own little Determined Shrine for those species they will champion

  • We’ll be making triptych Icons and Nichos like the ones illustrating this post
  • This is a free event and materials are provided
  • Just come along for an hour or so and join in
  • The Green Man Gallery Christmas exhibition will be on then as well so lots of lovely things of all prices will be available

Jamaican Wood Rail, Parana Pine, St Kilda House Mouse, North Island Little Spotted Kiwi, Aurora Frog, McPhee’s Shrew Tenrec, Rodrigues Solitaire, Dodo

Banner on the first paragraph features images from the 

Extinction Files by Ruth Evans: find  out more HERE

Thursday 10 October 2024

Witches, wizards and wonders


Witches, wizards and wonders

Wirksworth Wizarding Day 2024 

They gathered. Wizards, witches, young students, aged crones, occasional babies, the venerable and the unspeakable.... And I was there, spilling a hat full of stories...Wirksworth Wizarding Day was back!  This is always a lovely day and I miss most of the action....I heard about magical markets and the excitement of buying wands, about places to eat, a London Double-decker bus to get on....lizards, snakes and dragons to meet (I suspect that was before the actual moment when anticipation was running high). Someone had seen a Dementor. Someone else wrote a spell to turn people into zebras and was going to go and sit in the market place and try his spell. We reckoned if people didn't change on the outside they might change on the inside and find themselves sitting down to meals of grass....


And I was there telling stories: a day of non-stop tale-spinning, yarn-calling, and spell-shaking. Tales of mystery, malice and strangeness: a reminder that we live in a world full of wonders and enchantment even if we don’t see witches, wizards, and dragons as often as we might wish


In the aftermath, scraps of wizarding books were found on the floor, in corners, tucked for secrecy into recesses or hidden under chairs...We thought we should share them...


Wherever possible original spelling has been retained







Do not even go neer to a Fangtooth or it will eat you bit by bit. first your feet then your legs and soon and soon. There are not that many left in the wild. there is one left but it is the most dangerous



Sly, cunning and mysterious

Like snakes we are

You can't hide from us

Though you have a lightning scar

Harsh and mean we'll be

Even if you do fight back, or

Run, or fly away
In the end, you'll
Never win


Peter the grobllin

To turn into a black panther

Although this is written as a single recipe, it feels like 2 voices: try it with one person reading the yellow words and a helpful friend (who is rather worried!) reading the black!


Put black lizard tales

And poisoned frogs inside (a cauldron)

No-one has every survived

The potion won't be easy

Herbs and spices will not help (but stir anyway)

Eyes from a hungarian horntail (finish the brew)

Run for your life!



Get a caldron

and fill it with water

add 3 layers of brown paint

add stinking socks

add a newt's eye

boil for ages


Start hopping.


A Summoning Spell


From deep ponds, I call you

from Rippling stream, I call you

Out of garden wall and flowerbed, i call you.

Great creatures of a damper world

Squat before me now!


As the moon rises and

Night draws in and the

Darkness fills the world

Touch my enemies with nightmares,

Once a night,

And every night,

Disturb their sleep with




This brews a lotion to rub on a wizard’s feet and turn him or her into something else.

No-one has ever watched this potion in action and been able to report back on what it does!




1 long tail of a rat, and

2 handfuls of crushed snail shells, throw in

3 bones, well-chewed by a dog, and

4 egg cups of graveyard dust

5 whole chillis will make the brew strong and

6 cups of water will fill the cauldron but

7 matches are needed to light the flame


Brew the cauldron

Over a dried moss flame, and stir with an

Ivy-wood spoon and never, ever

Lick that spoon!


useful advice from a Witch's cupboard
Mice and
Umbrellas and

Wellies will
Result in disastrous
Toasted marshmallows



Wirksworth Wizarding Day is an annual event in October that transports the small town of Wirksworth in Derbyshire into a more magical realm

Find out more:

With many thanks to Coach House Studios for giving us such a lovely space for stories and to all the eager ears (and associated bodies) who joined us for storytelling, who shaped spells, who laughed, groaned and 

were suitably (or unsuitably) excited by everything!