Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Glossop stories

an arch, a door, a Narnian lamp-post...


Derbyshire Makes in the High Peak

The house where…..
The road where the castle wasn’t...
Manor Park Palace...
The Garden Shed witch...
Car Park monsters?
The Partington Theatre Ghost...

Who knows?

Cuthbert's, High Street West
As part of Derbyshire Makes (see below),I am going to be working with people in and around Glossop over March and April. Our challenge is to create The Lost Stories of Glossop: and, no, they don’t need to be anchored in anything other than celebration. We want to remind people that there can be adventures anywhere: that the door down the street that never opens might hold mysteries. That window, that balcony, that chimney pot might all hide stories. Old photos are often so evocative of lives lived and, maybe, forgotten. As well as sheer fantasy, there might also be quiet stories of shoemakers and spinners, "butchers and bakers and candlestick-makers"

Working with High Peak Community Arts (HPCA) and using images from Glossop Heritage Trust for inspiration, our imaginations can be unleashed! We’ll use old images as our starting points, finding wonder in those monochrome memories. There will be free drop in public events with an invitation to create your own stories, make your own little pop-up scenes to illustrate your stories and the chance to add a wonderful building to our giant Lost Stories pop-up where all our stories are being built together into an imaginary Glossop that you can come and visit (and drop yourself as a tiny adventurer into Imagined Glossop) during the Norfolk Square celebrations on 15 and 16th April

As events finalise, details will be published here and on the Creeping Toad and HPCA social media pages...look out for us:
  • in local libraries: Glossop, Hadfield and Gamesley are all possibilities
  • in family-learning groups
  • in Manor Park
And a little bit about Derbyshire Makes:

Launching in February 2025, Derbyshire Makes shines a spotlight on the industrial history, inspiring landscapes and local communities that make Derbyshire unique. Taking place over three years, this programme of making-related events and activities begins with an annual free festival, from Friday 28th March to Sunday 27th April 2025. Spread across six local town centres in the spring, there will be walks, talks, exhibitions and more. A roving workshop on wheels. And a mass making project all about designing, making and showcasing textile-based creations – led by Alex Murphy, Derbyshire resident and recent contestant on the BBC’s The Great British Sewing Bee.

People from across Derbyshire and beyond are all invited to be a part of it: families, young people, adults and retirees. Come with your Nan, or your newborn. Make your mark, make a mess, and make a difference – because Derbyshire Makes needs you to make it special.

  • Cuthbert's: photograph courtesy of Glossop Heritage Trust
  • Other images: G MacLellan